
Toyota 5FBE15 5FBE18 trolley battery 48V-500Ah maintenance method

Use remanufactured 48V-500Ah battery.

4PZS500 type

Discharge station resistance: (Discharge reading to be provided upon delivery)

Standard plug

Weight: 743kg

Anderson Plugs 1 year parts and labour warranty.

Options: standard plugs, other plugs, specific boxes, accessories.


5FBE18 trolley battery

2 tonne toyota forklift battery, 48v450ah toyota 7fb20 forklift battery vcd9ac wholesale toyota toyota forklift battery packs, all kinds of battery forklift with battery, provide original, domestic universal traction battery, toyota endurance times can be selected from 1000-1500 times varying levels, root push customer demand custom bureau standard forklift battery. At present, our company sells the portable camp battery charging equipment adopts the perfect function power supply, and the digital logic circuit carries on the implementation of sampling control to automatically detect the state of the charged battery. The charger adopts the charging mode of „constant current-voltage limiting current and constant voltage float charging“, which achieves a fully automatic working state, especially suitable for unattended working occasions.

The selection of high-quality components ensures the reliability and stability of the product itself, and can significantly extend the service life of the battery. The two inputs of the primary current transformer T2 are connected in series to one of the AC voltage inputs of the battery charging circuit, and the secondary is connected in parallel with the sampling voltage resistor R2, which converts the induced AC charging current into an AC voltage and connects it to the inverting end of the operational amplifier LM358A, and the inverting end of the operational amplifier LM358A, which is connected to the inverting end of the operational amplifier M358A. foot, operational amplifier LM358A 1 foot output amplified AC voltage signal through the rectifier diode D2 output to the microcontroller for A/D sampling, in the rectifier diode D2 output connected to the electrolytic capacitor C6 for filtering.

Toyota 5FBE15 trolley battery

1.5 tonnes Toyota forklift battery 48V400Ah, VCD8AC, Toyota 7FB15 forklift battery electric forklift in the operation of a small range of frequent forward and reverse direction change, DC control system in the direction of the contactor contacts and motor in the carbon brushes, the commutator is easy to burn him and wear, such as not timely check and replace the system will produce a system of failure, resulting in users to complain about electric forklift we recommend the use of AC travel control system. Adopt AC travelling control system, which fundamentally eliminates the frequent failures in DC system, and the pump motor in the hydraulic system of electric forklift is a series-excited motor rotating in a directional direction, which does not need a commutation contactor. Although also frequent lifting and tilting, but each time the operating time is very short, not more than 30 seconds, if the use of „double pumps together -“ surface egg, pump motor taking into account the steering, in the lifting or tilting does not work, the pump controller to supply the pump motor voltage is very low, about 13V or so (48v power supply). At this time, the pump motor rotates at a low speed, about 400-800 RPM, because the pump motor is directed to rotate and short-time work system, and the hydraulic system has set a large pressure value, overload relief valve (safety valve) automatically open, so there is no great current impact.

Toyota 7FBR15 Forklift Battery, Toyota Front Transfer Forklift Battery 48V280Ah, VCF4N Therefore, the life of the carbon brushes and commutator of the motor is much longer and relatively reliable. At the same time also extends the time of regular inspection and replacement of carbon brushes, reducing the operation and maintenance costs, DC series excitation motor large torque characteristics are very suitable for hydraulic system drive motor. Between the DC hydraulic control system operating characteristics and price advantage, electric forklift semi-AC control system in the current very vitality, machine characteristics and sales price is easy to be accepted by domestic and foreign users, the market outlook is certainly very good! Operational amplifier LM358A is connected to an inverting amplifier, inverting amplifier sing gain (here only by the value of R1 and R3 decision: [K = R3R1], when the battery begins to charge, the induction of the AC current signal by R2 converted to AC voltage signal input 1M358A for amplification, amplified AC voltage signal, rectified through the diode tube D2, C6 filtering will be the AC voltage signal The AC voltage signal is averaged into a current level signal, which is connected to the sampling port part of the P2 terminal of the microcontroller Pic126675. Microcontroller C12675 D2 end of the battery charging DC level signal sampling input, the microcontroller using the built-in 4 mhz most vibration, 5, C7 series connected to the microcontroller P3 power-on reset port, the LED for the charging status indicator, when in the charging state when the indicator is on, in the overcharging when the indicator is off, 52 for the learning to sample the button, mainly used for the full state of the charging current corresponds to the DC level stored to the microcontroller Pic126675 P2 end sampling port. DC level stored to the microcontroller e2prom, as a basis for determining whether the battery is overcharged; (8 for the microcontroller power supply high-frequency filter capacitors, microcontroller pic12f675 gp1 output through the current limiting resistor connected to the relay drive input port, the above charger design for the forklift trucks are the main accessory, not to be careless, a good forklift truck battery charger, you can continue the battery life of more than 30%. A good forklift battery charger can extend the battery life by more than 30%. Many forklift battery factories, such as torch battery factory, in supporting the HELI, Hangzhou and time, but also the production of chargers configured with their own battery, to avoid the torch battery after-sales management!

Toyota 5FBE15 trolley battery

Toyota forklift battery daily charging programme.

Check before charging: whether the battery is intact, wiring is intact, and open the gas cap, do not open or dial out of the battery on the liquid plug, before charging or charging, do not add liquid, the battery attached to the strictly prohibited smoking, sparks or open flame.

The battery can not be discharged at the same time when the east power, do not put metal tools on the battery when charging, do not repair the battery when charging, charging the electrolyte temperature is lower than 55 ° C. If it is a new battery, the specific gravity of 1.26 of the electrolyte cooled to 30 ° C and injected into the battery, the amount of injection to be higher than the protection plate 10 ~ 20 mm for proper, and leave it for 6 hours, the liquid temperature dropped to below 35 C before you can start charging. Le refers to the specific gravity of the electrolyte refers to 30 ° C, different temperatures should be converted according to the following formula d30 ° C = dt + 0.0007 (t-30 ° C), the charging process electrolysis temperature does not exceed 55 ° C, or else to take to reduce the charging current, artificial cooling or suspension of charging and other measures.

Camp battery charging to saturation, voltage and electrolyte specific gravity in 2~3 hours basically does not rise, and a large number of bubbles, electrolyte specific gravity up to 1.26, a single cell of electric music up to 2.4y. When a single cell of electricity down to 1.7V, voltmeter voltage 41V (driving load), electrolytic specific gravity down to 1.18 should be charged in time. Battery charging end, with distilled water or specific gravity of 1.4 dilute sulfuric acid, the whole electrolyte specific gravity of 1.26, and maintain a sufficient height. Voltage electrolyte specific gravity record should be made at the beginning and end of battery charging. Toyota 725 forklift battery, 2.5 tonnes Toyota forklift battery packs.

Toyota 5FBE15 trolley battery

48V/VGD565 records will help battery maintenance and protection analysis. Keep the battery away from fire and heat sources. Cover the gas cap after charging, wipe off the splashed electrolyte, keep the connector clean and dry, and apply petroleum jelly. The battery must be lifted out of the vehicle for rinsing. The battery charging environment must be well ventilated. Especially with the vehicle charging around the must be forced exhaust. Battery charging room must be well ventilated, the temperature is higher than 40 ° C, you can calculate the amount of air flow, to avoid the battery charging the accumulation of hydrogen – oxygen gas mixture caused by the explosion, can be calculated using the following formula: g = 0.05 * i * n (where q: the amount of air flow, i: end of the charging period charging current, n: number of batteries), should ensure that the amount of air flow between the charging room is greater than the air flow in the calculation formula. air flow volume in the charging room should be guaranteed to be greater than the air flow volume in the calculation formula. Battery forklift battery can be said to be the main core power of the forklift, how to get the correct use, which has certain skills and methods of each driver’s use of different habits, maintenance methods are also different, so that the age of a 1.5 ton electric forklift truck, the price of about 70,000 yuan ~ 80,000 yuan, the battery pack occupies a large part of the so conservation is crucial.

Toyota 5FBE15 trolley battery

1, the choice of forklift battery brand, domestic and foreign brands are more, different quality, price deviation is very large, whether you choose imported forklift batteries or domestic, quality control is the factory, if you reduce the amount of lead, each single battery within the battery pack is poorly balanced, balanced inconsistencies lead to rapid decline in the life of the whole battery pack.

2, choose the right charger, charger is too big, too small will lead to forklift battery plate sparing, it is recommended to configure the charger with equalisation charging or with desulphurisation.

3, secondary discharge, long-term more than the allowable rated value of discharge, or current than the rated output value to be larger than the forklift battery plate loosening, powder, or puncture.

4. Add the steam water, this is its own common sense many users mistakenly think that adding acidic supplemental liquid, can increase the battery storage capacity, in fact, this will lead to high acid. The whole battery capacity does not store electricity

5, the battery surface resistance increases, to use a thousand cloth to wipe clean, to avoid excessive surface energisation, current loss, resulting in self-discharge more than normal discharge.

Toyota 5FBE15 trolley battery

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