
How to prevent corrosion of tcm fb15-7 forklift battery?

Forklift batteries refer to special batteries for forklifts that use batteries to perform operations. This is the battery inside the battery of an electric forklift. The battery is a type of battery. Its function is to store limited electrical energy and use it in a suitable place. Its working principle is to convert chemical energy into electrical energy. tcm fb15-7 forklift battery electrolyte leaks: When the electrolyte leaks to the outside, immediately neutralize it with lime, strong carbonated soda or carbonated soda, and rinse with plenty of water. Let’s look at a few common methods.

1. Selection of battery casing materials

The first corrosion protection step is to select the appropriate tcm fb15-7 forklift battery housing material. Using materials with excellent anti-corrosion properties, such as corrosion-resistant plastic or specially coated metal casings, can effectively resist the erosion of the acidic environment around the battery and reduce the risk of corrosion of the casing. Advanced foreign forklifts pay great attention to shape design. For example, the forklifts of the Jungheinrich brand of Lindsay Toyota have a smooth shape, which not only reflects the aesthetic and functional design, but is also not easy to accumulate water and dirt. It is worth learning.

tcm fb15-7 forklift battery tcm fb15-7 forklift battery

2. Anti-corrosion design of separators and electrolytes

The separator and electrolyte inside the tcm fb15-7 forklift battery are important components of anti-corrosion. In terms of technological protection, separators made of corrosion-resistant materials, such as special plastics or fiberglass, can effectively isolate the positive and negative plates and slow down the corrosion rate of the plates. At the same time, the composition of the electrolyte is carefully designed to ensure that its corrosiveness to the internal metal parts of the battery is minimized, thereby extending the service life of the battery.

The overall layout of the forklift should be considered to prevent the accumulation of corrosive media. The exhaust gas generated by the engine should be discharged from the lower part of the counterweight as much as possible or discharged upward from the upper part of the counterweight through purification and cooling. Try to avoid blocking areas, or keep the blocking system well ventilated and drained, for example, consider the ventilation and heat dissipation of the entire internal combustion forklift.

Pay attention to the color of the post-processing and the metal coating of the post-processing to avoid color mixing and affect the appearance of the whole machine. According to the national standard gb52671985 threaded fastener electroplating standard, commonly used protection methods for forklifts include coating, electroplating, conversion film, anti-rust oil, grease, etc.

3. Scientific charging management

Proper charge management is a key aspect of corrosion protection. Overcharging can cause the battery to produce gas and increase the humidity inside the battery, which can accelerate the corrosion of metal parts. An advanced charging management system is adopted to scientifically control the charging current and voltage to ensure the stability of the charging process and help reduce the risk of corrosion of metal components inside the battery.


4. Regular maintenance and cleaning

Regular maintenance and cleaning are routine means of anti-corrosion. By regularly checking the battery casing, connecting lines and cleaning the battery surface, potential corrosion problems can be discovered in time and corresponding measures can be taken. Keeping the area around the battery clean and avoiding the accumulation of dust and corrosive substances will help slow down the corrosion process of the battery.

5. Environmental control and ventilation system

In the working environment of a forklift, it cannot be short-circuited. A short-circuit caused by rain may cause a fire and may produce a small amount of hydrogen. Establishing a good ventilation system and environmental control measures is also an important means of anti-corrosion. By maintaining appropriate temperature and humidity and reducing the concentration of the acidic environment, the corrosion rate of the metal components inside the battery can be effectively slowed down.

6. Tcm fb15-7 forklift battery use anti-corrosion coatings

When using paint for anti-corrosion, the characteristics and quality indicators of the paint coating must be clarified. Different processes have different corrosion resistance. 2025μm galvanized layer is used for parts in highly corrosive environments. For example, the coating of the car body structure emphasizes decoration and corrosion resistance; the coating of the front and rear axles emphasizes protection; the coating of the battery emphasizes acid resistance; the coating of the exhaust pipe emphasizes heat resistance, etc.

Generally speaking, a 710μm zinc coating provides better protection. Metal coatings should be expressed in accordance with GB\\u002FT139111992 „Representation Methods of Metal Coatings and Chemical Treatments“. By raising the requirements for surface treatment, the fairness of part design is improved, the surface treatment process is effectively standardized, and the appearance quality and corrosion resistance of the product are improved.

When designing a part, consider its average amount of corrosion and select one or several combined anti-corrosion methods. For example, in Ningbo forklifts, many of the pins, shafts, bolts, and brackets were blackened, and many exposed machined surfaces such as hydraulic cylinder heads were not treated, causing the forklifts to rust before leaving the factory.


7. Customized anti-corrosion solution

Different models and brands of forklift batteries may have different anti-corrosion properties, so customized anti-corrosion solutions are particularly important. Manufacturers can provide personalized anti-corrosion solutions based on the battery’s usage scenarios, working environment and material characteristics to ensure long-term stable operation of the battery.

Consider enterprises choosing corrosion-resistant materials with different properties, such as galvanized sheets, color rolled sheets, composite structural materials, and engineering plastics. When connecting dissimilar metals, electrochemical corrosion should be avoided by selecting metals with close potentials or taking insulation technical measures.

Under the protection of science and technology, the anti-corrosion work of tcm fb15-7 forklift battery has become more intelligent and comprehensive. Through the selection of scientific materials, precise design, advanced charging management and regular maintenance, forklift batteries can better resist external corrosion and continue strong power output.

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