
Forklift Battery Life: Understanding Cycle Life, Float Life, And Storage Life

The life of forklift battery can be analyzed based on several important aspects: recycling times, float charging, storage, etc. Chinese companies consume a large number of forklift lead batteries every year, causing secondary environmental pollution. How can we provide some forklift batteries with a longer service life? , which is the main research direction of every battery production equipment manufacturer.

1.Forklift Battery Cycle life: maintaining operational efficiency

The cycle life of a forklift battery is the number of charge and discharge cycles it can undergo while maintaining optimal performance. This directly affects the frequency and intensity of use of the forklift. Adopting smart charging practices, avoiding deep discharges, and ensuring safe connections through regular inspections are critical to extending cycle life. By adopting these practices, companies can improve the efficiency and durability of their forklift batteries.

Forklift Battery

Operations other than battery inspection: Professionals should be consulted, especially when replenishing electrolyte (dilute sulfuric acid).

The forklift battery adopts polyester fiber pipe, which has good elasticity, small aperture, low resistance and high air permeability; fully insulated soft connecting wire, no leakage current, pop-up top plug valve structure, with special electrolyte level indicator It is equipped with a filling cap with automatic water replenishment; it adopts multi-microporous imported high-quality inclined partitions with high porosity and low resistance. It uses PP battery shell and cover materials, which are impact-resistant.

Forklift batteries refer to special batteries for forklifts that use batteries to perform operations. This is the battery inside the battery of an electric forklift. The battery is a type of battery. Its function is to store limited electrical energy and use it in a suitable place. Its working principle is to convert chemical energy into electrical energy.

2. Float charge life: extend standby power

Float life is the length of time a battery maintains a standby charge when not actively used. Float life is often associated with maintenance-free batteries and is critical for forklifts that are used intermittently. Smart charging systems and automatic voltage regulation are key elements in maintaining float life. By carefully managing the float charging process, businesses can ensure their forklift batteries are always ready, minimizing downtime and optimizing overall operational efficiency.

Under normal social working and living conditions, the time for the battery to float charge to provide power is called float life. Generally, the float charge life of maintenance-free world batteries can reach more than 10 years.

Cycle life is closely related to the depth of each discharge of the battery technology. When the discharge depth is 30%, the number of charge-discharge cycle activities can reach 1,200 times; when the discharge depth is 100%, the cycle life is only 200 times. Therefore, we should try our best to avoid deep discharge of the battery during use.

According to the results of students‘ continuous tests to accelerate product life, maintenance-free valve-controlled batteries have a float-charge life of more than 10 years at room temperature. It should be fully explained that if the float voltage is too high or too low, the battery will be overcharged or undercharged, which will affect the life of the battery. Due to self-discharge, the remaining capacity of the maintenance-free battery will gradually decrease during storage and use. Usually, the time when the remaining capacity of the battery drops to 50% is called the information storage life.

Forklift Battery

3. Storage Life: Maintain power during downtime

When the forklift is not in use, the battery goes into storage. A battery’s storage life is the duration it can hold a charge during periods of inactivity. Strategic measures such as maintaining appropriate charging levels, controlling storage temperatures, and regular inspections are critical to preventing capacity degradation during storage. By protecting against self-discharge and environmental factors, businesses can maximize the storage life of forklift batteries.

In the area of forklift battery management, manufacturers and operators alike are exploring innovative ways to extend the overall life of these power supplies. Technologies such as smart charging systems, temperature-controlled storage solutions and routine maintenance practices play a key role in achieving this goal.

At different temperatures, there is a corresponding relationship between the remaining capacity of the battery and the storage time. When the ambient temperature is 250C, the storage life can reach 18 months. When the ambient temperature is 400C, the storage life is only more than 5 months, so the storage temperature of maintenance-free batteries cannot be too high.

The service life of the battery is closely related to the ambient temperature. Generally speaking, if 25°C is used as the benchmark, it should not exceed +15°C to +30°C. As the temperature rises, the discharge capacity of the battery pack will increase, but the life span will decrease. If used for a long time at high temperatures, the battery life will be halved for every 10°C increase in the working environment temperature. If the temperature is too low, the battery capacity will decrease. For every 1 degree drop in temperature, the capacity will decrease by 1%.

Therefore, when the power supply is in float charge mode, it needs to compensate by reducing the float charge voltage. The compensation coefficient is that for every 1°C rise in ambient temperature, the float charge voltage of each battery cell (2 V cell) is reduced by 3- 5mV. However, the temperature compensation function can only work within a certain range. It is best for the battery to work in an environment of 20-25℃.

If the battery voltage is lower than 1.8V/single cell (1 hour rate discharge is 1.75V/single cell) before discharging 80% of its rated capacity (compare the capacity of the corresponding discharge rate such as C10, C3 and other parameters), you should consider adding replace. Also, do not use it frequently under voltage, and do not frequently discharge with high current continuously (current is greater than 1C).

When it is not used for a long time, it should be fully charged before placing it. The ambient temperature of the placement point is preferably 20+/-5°C, which is more suitable. The ambient temperature of use is 5~35°C. When using it below 0°C, it is best not to discharge a large current suddenly. When it is higher than 45°C, it is best to stop using it first. Replenish the battery in time after use, but in an appropriate amount. , do not overcharge, otherwise it will cause the battery to lose water and shorten its life. The discharge current and charging method of the electric forklift battery are also prerequisites for the battery life.

Forklift Battery

As we look at the evolving landscape of electric forklifts, it’s clear that the success of these machines depends on the reliability of their batteries. Taking a holistic battery management approach (addressing cycle life, float life and storage life) is key to unlocking the full potential of electric forklifts. In doing so, companies can not only optimize the efficiency of their operations but also contribute to sustainable practices by minimizing the environmental impact of battery disposal. After all, the driving dynamics of a forklift depend on its beating heart – the life of its battery.

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